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Fundraising Guidelines - Passion Terms and Conditions

Thank you for your interest in hosting a Passion Fundraising Activity ("Fundraising Activity") to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation ("CFF"). With your support, we are confident that we will continue to add tomorrows while making a difference in the lives of people with CF today! By registering to host a fundraising activity for CFF, you (the "Host"), are required to comply with the following CFF Passion Fundraising Activity Terms (“Fundraising Terms”).

These Fundraising Terms are a supplement to CFF’s general online Terms of Agreement ,  which are incorporated into these Fundraising Terms by reference.  If there is a specific inconsistency between the two agreements, the provisions in these Fundraising Terms prevail.

Host's Responsibility

If hosting an in-person passion event, host will abide by CDC and local COVID-19 Guidelines. Participants should practice social distancing and wear masks for the duration of the event.

Children will be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times and any physical activities, virtual or in person, are done under the supervision of the parent or guardian and are an appropriate activity for age and ability.

The Host is responsible for all aspects of the Fundraising Activity.  CFF will not serve as a sponsor for or enter into any agreement (including but not limited to permits, venue contracts, catering contracts, etc.) in support of the Fundraising Activity.

The Host shall conduct the Fundraising Activity in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including those governing charitable solicitations.

The Host shall raise funds and remit them to CFF consistent with all representations made in promotions and communications to the public about the Fundraising Activity.

Logo Usage
CFF grants to Host a revocable, nonexclusive license to use the CFF logo described below (the “Logo”) in connection with the Fundraising Activity.  Host shall not use the Logo in any manner except as expressly set forth herein from the date of Host complying with these Fundraising Terms up to the Fundraising Activity. Host agrees to use the Logo only, in connection with the Fundraising Activity and further agrees not to use the Logo in connection with any other companies whose logo or brand are deemed to be offensive, defamatory or vulgar. Host agrees not to use the CFF’s Logo in a manner inconsistent with proper trademark use, or in any manner that tarnishes the name or reputation of CFF. Host agrees to comply with any requirements established by CFF concerning the style, design, display and use of the Logo with every use of the Logo. Host agrees to send CFF the website link or other relevant materials upon completion of adding the Logo to any promotional materials or third-party sites as part of the Fundraising Activity for approval by the CFF Chapter Executive Director. Please allow approximately two (2) weeks for approval.  Host shall also comply with requests from CFF for additional information, documents, or specimens concerning its use of the Logo. Host agrees to modify or terminate any use of the Logo within 10 days of notice by CFF that, in its sole discretion, such use is not approved. Host agrees that ownership of the Logo and the goodwill relating thereto shall remain vested in CFF both during the period of this license and thereafter. Host agrees never to challenge, encourage a third-party challenge, or support any challenge to CFF’s ownership of the Logo. Host agrees to promptly inform CFF of the use of any marks similar to the Logo and any potential infringements of CFF's Logo that come to Host’s attention. Host and CFF agree that this license shall be royalty-free. Nothing herein shall be construed as an endorsement by CFF of the Host or the Host’s business or activities.

No Percentage of Sales
The Fundraising Activity shall not consist of any sales campaign in which a consumer action, such as the purchase or use of goods or services, will benefit CFF (for example, "buy this product/service and X% of the sales price will be donated to CFF." Such events require a separate signed Commercial Co-venture Agreement between the person/company conducting the sales and CFF, with a guaranteed minimum of $25,000 in revenue to CFF ($50,000 for online or multi-state promotions). For information on charitable sales promotions, please contact

Funds and Accounting
All fundraising is to be conducted for the exclusive benefit of CFF. The Host must promote the Fundraising Activity in a manner that makes clear that CFF will be the recipient of 100% of the funds raised, solicited, or pledged.

The Host is very strongly encouraged to use only the online CFF-sponsored Passion Fundraising web page to receive funds from donors.

If, however, a Host does receive donations from others in the form of cash or checks, the following rules apply:
·         Hosts are prohibited from setting up temporary bank accounts or any other accounts, such as PayPal or eBay, in the name of CFF or using CFF's tax identification number.
·         If the Host wishes to set up a separate bank account to receive donations, the Host must do so in his or her own name.
·         All funds donated through the Host's individual account shall be for the benefit of CFF.
·         If funds are collected from others through the Fundraising Activity and the host remits them to CFF on their behalf, these funds may not be considered the personal donation of the Host., Any tax receipt issued by CFF for these funds collected by the Host should be disregarded to the extent the Host did not directly donate those funds. If the Host receives a contribution made payable directly to CFF (such as a check), the Host must remit the donation to the local CFF chapter office within 45 days after the Fundraising Activity concludes, so that a proper tax receipt may be issued by CFF to the donor directly. The Host may not deposit the donation directly into any Fundraising Activity account.

Event Expenses
CFF shall not be liable for any cost or expense related to the Fundraising Activity. The Host may be reimbursed for such costs and expenses only from the Host's individual bank account. No reimbursement will come from donations made via the online CFF-sponsored Passion Fundraising web page.

Upon creation of the Fundraising Activity, the Host is required to record all costs, expenses, and estimates of donated goods/services into Passion Fundraising Tax Deductibility Calculation Form that is provided on the online CFF-sponsored Passion Fundraising web page in order to determine the tax-deductible amount for each ticket or registration fee made available on the site. This amount will be used to reflect the value of goods and services that participants are receiving through the Fundraising Activity on the ticket/registration tax receipts issued by CFF. The Host is required to maintain a completed copy of the Passion Fundraising Tax Deductibility Calculation Form in their event records for each ticket and registration fee made available on the site. Donors who are not registering for, nor attending, the Fundraising Activity will be eligible to make a fully tax-deductible contribution through the "Donate" button.

The Host is required to maintain adequate records of revenue and expenses. CFF reserves the right to view and audit detailed accounting records of revenue, expenses (e.g., receipts, invoices, etc.) and completed Passion Fundraising Tax Deductibility Calculation Forms at any time. CFF will notify you if it wishes to review your records and you agree to promptly comply with such notice. Hosts must maintain their records for at least one year after completion of any Fundraising Activity.

Website Content
The Host is solely responsible for content posted on or through Passion CFF, including any information transmitted to other users or interactions with other users (“Content”). 

CFF does not generally control or pre-approve Content and thus bears no responsibility for its accuracy, appropriateness, or quality. You agree that you must evaluate and bear all risks associated with any Content you post, including the risks of any intellectual property or other legal claims related to the Content.  You agree that CFF will be in no way liable for any Content or any consequences of its inclusion or omission and that there is no implication that any Content posted by users on the Site is in any way endorsed or approved by CFF.

CFF nonetheless retains the right (but not the obligation) to refuse to post or delete any Content available through the Site. You agree that you have no recourse against us if we, in our sole discretion, refuse to post, or if we delete or refuse to delete, any Content submitted by users.  You agree that we have the right to block users or delete their accounts if we believe, if our sole discretion, that they have violated the spirit or the letter of these Terms.

The following items are examples of the kind of Content that users, including Hosts, are prohibited to post on or through Passion CFF.  CFF reserves the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action against anyone who, in CFF’s sole discretion, violates this provision, including without limitation, removing the offending communication from Passion CFF and terminating the access privileges of such violators.  Prohibited Content includes, but is not limited to, Content that, in the sole discretion of CFF:
1.    promotes information the user knows is false or misleading;
2.    promotes an illegal or unauthorized copy of another person’s copyrighted work or otherwise violates intellectual property rights;
3.    involves the transmission of unsolicited mass mailing or spam;
4.    involves commercial activities or sales without CFF’s prior written consent;
5.    includes a photograph or name of another person without that person’s written consent;
6.    is offensive or promotes racism, bigotry, or hatred of any kind against any group or individual; or
7.    is potentially harmful, inappropriate, or inconsistent with CFF’s mission or social responsibilities.

CFF may contact the Host as needed regarding the Fundraising Activity and may disable the fundraising page at its sole discretion for any reason. The Host shall cooperate fully with any requests made by CFF related to the Fundraising Activity.

Passion CFF websites are intended for use by adults.  If you are between the ages of 13 and 18 years old, you may use Passion CFF websites only if: (i) your use has been approved by your parent or legal guardian, (ii) you use Passion CFF websites under his or her supervision, and (iii) he or she has agreed to the Fundraising Terms (and any additional registration agreements, if applicable) on your behalf.

If you are the parent of a minor, you may use Passion CFF websites and agree to the Fundraising Terms on behalf of the minor.  By doing so, you warrant that you have the legal capacity to act on the minor’s behalf and you agree that the provisions of Fundraising Terms (and any additional registration agreements, if applicable) that are applicable to you are equally applicable to the minor.
Under no circumstances may a minor under the age of 13 use Passion CFF websites.

Conflict of Interest
CFF is entrusted by the public with significant resources and responsibilities. Accordingly, it must ensure that individuals acting on its behalf demonstrate good character and integrity and exhibit consistently high standards of ethical conduct in terms of behavior and compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. This includes the avoidance of potential conflicts of interest. Hosts are prohibited from purchasing goods or services from an individual or company related to the Host in a manner that results in a monetary benefit to the provider in excess of the fair market value of such goods and services.

Gaming and Raffles
Gaming (raffles, drawing, poker, bingo, etc.) activities are prohibited during any Fundraising Activity. Gaming activities are highly regulated by federal, state and local guidelines. Consult legal counsel as needed. 

If a Host is considering including an online silent auction as part of a Fundraising Activity, participants must be directed to a third-party auction website and process all payments through the external platform. Auction payments will not be accepted through the online CFF-sponsored Passion Fundraising webpage.  Please be advised that state or local taxes and restrictions may apply. Consult legal counsel as needed. 

You may contact the local CFF Executive Director with general questions regarding your event, but please be advised that neither CFF nor the local chapter can give legal advice.

Insurance & Liability
The Host shall be solely responsible and liable for all aspects of the Fundraising Activity. The Host agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless CFF, directors, officers, employees and agents from any and all claims, obligations or liabilities associated with the Fundraising Activity. The Host agrees to release and discharge CFF, its assignees, licensees, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents and contractors from any and all claims, actions (including but without limitation to those relating to personal injury, property damage, and/or wrongful death), causes of action, obligations, debts,  contracts, damages, judgments,  and demands whatsoever, in law or equity, that arise in any way directly or indirectly as a result of or arising out of the Fundraising Activity.

If alcohol is served during the Fundraising Activity, CFF recommends that the Host establish a "cash bar" and that the responsibility of serving the alcohol to participants remain with a third party such as a licensed and insured bartender/caterer/venue staff. The Host must take measures to comply with all applicable law and prevent minors or visibly intoxicated persons from obtaining alcohol (such as wrist banding, ID checking, etc.).

In addition to your indemnification responsibilities set forth in the preceding section, the Host specifically agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the CFF for any liability associated with the serving of alcohol.

CFF Attendance Policy
CFF has an attendance policy in order to preserve the health and wellbeing of all people including people with cystic fibrosis, by reducing the risk of getting and spreading dangerous germs. 

To learn more about this policy visit,

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code whose mission is to cure cystic fibrosis and to provide all people with the disease the opportunity to lead full, productive lives by funding research and drug development, promoting individualized treatment, and ensuring access to high-quality care. You may obtain a copy of our latest annual report and financial statement at, by calling 1-800-FightCF, or by writing to CFF, 4550 Montgomery Avenue, Suite 1100 N, Bethesda, MD 20814.

Thank you for helping to add tomorrows for people living with cystic fibrosis.